American Society of Employers

Of Interest…

Pay Transparency in Focus: Navigating Compliance and Voluntary Adoption

10 December 2024

Pay Transparency in Focus: Navigating Compliance and Voluntary Adoption

Author: Kevin Marrs

Employers are increasingly grappling with the complexities of pay transparency as it reshapes recruitment, retention, and workplace equity. Recent studies from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis indicate that pay disclosure in job postings is growing, partly due to new legislation requiring employers to disclose pay ranges. However, pay disclosure is also expanding in areas where it is not mandated, suggesting that employers are embracing this change in response to unique challenges and...
Developing an Effective Code of Conduct for Organizations

26 November 2024

Developing an Effective Code of Conduct for Organizations

Author: Linda Olejniczak

A Code of Conduct is essential for organizations to establish a framework of ethical behavior and compliance expectations for employees. It serves to promote integrity, transparency, and accountability, guiding employees in their decision-making and actions. A well-crafted Code of Conduct can mitigate risks, enhance organizational culture, and foster trust among stakeholders. Key components typically include sections on ethical behavior, compliance with laws, conflict of interest, reporting...
Adding SAFE Leave to Your PTO policy

21 October 2024

Adding SAFE Leave to Your PTO policy

Author: Anthony Kaylin

SAFE leave is becoming more prominent as domestic violence and crimes against women are more widely reported.  One in four women and one in nine men experience severe intimate partner violence in their lifetime, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Over 47% of women have encountered sexual violence, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime as reported by Break the Cycle.  More than 16 million people in the U.S. suffer...
Managing Employee Leaves During Natural Disasters

15 October 2024

Managing Employee Leaves During Natural Disasters

Author: Linda Olejniczak

Natural disasters cause significant disruption to both businesses and employees. As hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and other catastrophes become more frequent, it’s crucial for employers to have a Natural Disaster Leave Policy in place. Such a policy helps organizations navigate the challenges of managing employee leave while ensuring legal compliance and supporting their workforce. Key components include:

Allowing Employees Time Off to Vote on November 5: A Guide for Michigan Employers

17 September 2024

Allowing Employees Time Off to Vote on November 5: A Guide for Michigan Employers

Author: Linda Olejniczak

With election day approaching on November 5, Michigan employers should be prepared to handle requests from employees seeking time off to vote. Although Michigan does not have a specific law mandating voting leave, employers can play a critical role in encouraging civic participation by creating policies that allow employees to exercise their right to vote.

ESG Policies – A New Set of Handbook Policies to Consider

27 August 2024

ESG Policies – A New Set of Handbook Policies to Consider

Author: Michael Burns

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. These are policies that companies are being asked to adopt that are “strategic frameworks that guide businesses in managing their environmental footprint, fostering social responsibility, and upholding strong governance practices.”

It’s Been a Year Since Stericycle.  How are Employers’ Work Rules Faring?

13 August 2024

It’s Been a Year Since Stericycle. How are Employers’ Work Rules Faring?

Author: Anthony Kaylin

A year ago, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) by party lines ruled to ramp up its scrutiny of workplace rules.  The NLRB ruled that employer handbook policies violate the National Labor Relations Act if they have a "reasonable tendency" to dissuade workers from engaging in organizing activity, such as making workplace recordings and discussing concerns with colleagues.  Many employers are under the mistaken belief that the National Labor Relations Act only covers...
When an Unmarried Partner Wants FMLA for Birth of a Child

6 August 2024

When an Unmarried Partner Wants FMLA for Birth of a Child

Author: Anthony Kaylin

An unmarried partner (regardless of whether a man or woman) of a mother giving birth is becoming more and more common these days. Although state or local law may provide specific time off for a partner for pregnancy, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) works slightly differently. Employers need to ensure that their policy supports the FMLA approach. The following case demonstrates how to handle the situation as PTO, FMLA, and wage and hour issues could arise.

Understanding the New Minimum Wage and Earned Sick Time Act Laws

6 August 2024

Understanding the New Minimum Wage and Earned Sick Time Act Laws

Author: Michael Burns

Last week the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that the "adopt and amend” enaction of our current minimum wage and paid medical leave was unconstitutional. This means that PA 337 and PA 338, the original ballot initiatives of 2018, will take effect February 21, 2025. It also means larger employers that adopted paid time off benefits compliant with the amended law will have to modify their paid time off policies to comply with the originally passed law. It also means small employers,...
Is it Time to Remove Anti-Gambling Rules from Employee Handbooks?

23 July 2024

Is it Time to Remove Anti-Gambling Rules from Employee Handbooks?

Author: Michael Burns

With the ubiquity and convenience of online gambling, are employer “no gambling” rules a bit anachronistic? Maybe so. In conducting an informal survey of just under 50 employee handbooks reviewed by ASE in the last four years, a no gambling policy or rule was found in 25% of those handbooks. Typically, this rule was buried deep in a general rules or standards of conduct policy.

Attorney-Client Privilege – What HR Needs to know

18 June 2024

Attorney-Client Privilege – What HR Needs to know

Author: Anthony Kaylin

Attorney-client privilege is one of the most important tools for HR when dealing with risk. This privilege is a foundational legal principle for centuries and allows clients to discuss all legal issues without worrying that the conversation may come back to haunt the client. By having honest conversations, it allows the lawyer to best represent the client. However, the privilege does not protect the underlying facts that may be contained within the communication, just the communication with...
If Marijuana is Reclassified, What Jobs Might It Impact?

28 May 2024

If Marijuana is Reclassified, What Jobs Might It Impact?

Author: Michael Burns

The U.S. Department of Justice has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking that would reclassify marijuana from a Schedule I narcotic down to a Schedule III drug. Schedule I controlled substances are in the “mean street neighborhood” including heroin, LSD, and other drugs with “no currently acceptable medical use or treatment.” Schedule III drugs, on the other hand, where it is proposed marijuana be moved to is in a “friendlier neighborhood” of classified...
The Work-Life Revolution: How Line Managers Can Drive Change

14 May 2024

The Work-Life Revolution: How Line Managers Can Drive Change

Author: Heather Nezich

Organizations can improve the work-life balance of their employees by training line managers in work-life support. This training reduces burnout in employees who have little control of when or where they work and increases family engagement of employees who have high work-life flexibility.

The Benefits of Outplacement Services: An Approach to Employee Transition

20 February 2024

The Benefits of Outplacement Services: An Approach to Employee Transition

Author: Emily Price

Companies often face the challenging task of workforce optimization, which may involve layoffs or downsizing. While these decisions are never easy, offering outplacement services can provide many benefits for both employers and employees. There are advantages of embracing outplacement services as a beneficial approach to employee transition during layoffs.

The Election Year is Upon Us - Be Prepared for Workplace Political Discussions…or Worse

23 January 2024

The Election Year is Upon Us - Be Prepared for Workplace Political Discussions…or Worse

Author: Michael Burns

While it seems like elections and politics have been on-going rather than every two or four years, we are now entering the actual election year, and employers should prepare themselves to address possible employee dissent, rancor, or worse.



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