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Organizations across the country have been forced to quickly adapt during the COVID-19 pandemic, and insurance benefits are one area to see significant modifications. The ASE 2020 Healthcare Insurance Benefits Survey details these changes by examining premiums, deductibles, and co-pays of employer-sponsored health plans among 174 Michigan employers. Wellness benefits and cost control strategies are also benchmarked.
More than a quarter (27%) of participants reported that the Coronavirus has impacted their insurance benefits in some way, with telemedicine noted as a primary new benefit. Other changes include covering co-pays for the care and treatment of COVID-19 and offering Employee Assistance Programs at no cost.
Additional highlights of the ASE 2020 Healthcare Insurance Benefits Survey include:
To obtain a copy of ASE’s 2020 Healthcare Insurance Benefits Survey, contact ASE’s Survey Team at surveys@aseonline.org or 248.223.8025. This survey is available at no cost to ASE member survey participants and is available for $1,350 for non-members.