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The results are in for ASE’s 2018 Healthcare Insurance Benefits Survey. A total of 215 organizations participated in the latest study, which examines the premiums, deductibles, and co-pays for employer-sponsored health plans across Michigan. Highlights from the survey are listed below:
Cost containment strategies were also addressed in the annual survey. Here are the highlights:
A variety of industries have been represented in the survey, with durable goods, manufacturing (40%) leading the pack. Trades and services (29%) were the second-largest industry representation. Organizations with 50 to 499 employees nationally made up 53% of the survey sample, while organizations with more than 500 employees comprised 34% of the sample.
To obtain a copy of ASE’s 2018 Healthcare Insurance Benefits Survey, contact ASE’s Survey Team at surveys@aseonline.org or 248.223.8051. This survey is available free of charge to participating ASE members and is available for $1,350 for non-members.