EverythingPeople gives valuable insight into the developments both inside and outside the HR position.
26 November 2024
Following an instructional design model is the best way to ensure that everything is included in training for effective knowledge transfer. ADDIE is an acronym that stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation – the elements of a training class you must encounter with each class you design.
15 October 2024
3 September 2024
23 July 2024
18 June 2024
14 May 2024
9 April 2024
Everyone is talking about AI! Artificial intelligence is changing our landscape on every level. In the training world, facilitators are starting to rely on its benefits. Here is your cautionary warning and some things to look out for when using AI for training:
12 March 2024
Have you ever heard these words? “Picture it, Sicily, 1919…” or “Back in St. Olaf, we…” Those phrases made a whole generation laugh and still entertain us today on the television show, Golden Girls, which ran from 1987-1992 on NBC.
6 February 2024
2 January 2024
Alas, 2024 is here and usually that means resolutions. I am a firm believer in building habits so that resolutions and goal setting can happen throughout the year, not just for the turn of the year. Depending on how your 2023 turned out, it’s probable you have goals for your teams for 2024. Make sure one of those goals is training. Here are three reasons why:
12 December 2023
21 November 2023
31 October 2023
10 October 2023
Do you know if your team needs training? A training analysis involves a systematic process of gathering information and assessing various factors to determine the training needs of individuals or a group of employees in an organization. Here are three key components typically involved in a training analysis:
19 September 2023
Learning how your employees learn could be the best use of your time yet. By understanding the three learning styles, leaders can maximize effectiveness not only in training but also business in general. There are three types of learners: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic.
29 August 2023
Creating a comfortable and engaging learning environment is crucial in the corporate classroom. Icebreakers play a vital role in fostering connections, breaking down barriers, and setting a positive tone for learning.
8 August 2023
Enhancing your skills and knowledge is crucial for your professional growth and overall job performance. However, persuading your leader to invest in training can sometimes be a challenging task. Develop a convincing value statement to support ongoing employee education by highlighting the following benefits of employee training:
18 July 2023
There are now numerous apps available that can enhance the learning experience for both trainers and learners. These apps provide innovative ways to engage learners, create interactive lessons, and track progress effectively. In this article, we will explore the five best apps for teaching that are revolutionizing education.
27 June 2023
5 June 2023
The classroom is a place where students should feel engaged, motivated, and eager to learn. However, it can be challenging to keep students focused and interested in the material being presented. The following are some of the best ways to engage students in the classroom.
16 May 2023
Choosing a Learning Management System can be an overwhelming process. At the onset, you may simply be looking for a place to post learning materials that are easily accessible to employees for on-demand training. However, along with the convenience of an LMS comes a new set of issues you may not have thought about. While there are many, here are the top four concerns you should consider when selecting an LMS:
21 March 2023
We are officially in a post pandemic workspace now. What does that mean? We probably are managing remote teams, figuring out smarter ways to work, and meeting more efficiently.
21 February 2023
Employee development is essential for organizational success and long-term sustainability. Organizations that invest in employee development initiatives can expect to see increased productivity and improved morale.
24 January 2023
Have you ever entered a classroom and immediately started yawning? How about trying to pay attention and you can’t stop staring at notes on the flip chart from the last class? Whether too much or too little decoration, to keep your audience engaged and fresh, you’ll need the right mix of decoration and stimuli to pull off an incredible learning experience. Here are the top 5 tips to achieve that.