EverythingPeople gives valuable insight into the developments both inside and outside the HR position.
3 March 2020
18 February 2020
4 February 2020
21 January 2020
7 January 2020
10 December 2019
19 November 2019
12 November 2019
According to federal data, suicide rates in the United States have recently hit their highest rate since World War II. There has been a 33% increase just since 1999. High rates of stress, pressures, isolation factors of social media use, and opioid abuse are some of the larger contributing factors.
1 October 2019
17 September 2019
3 September 2019
20 August 2019
6 August 2019
23 July 2019
It’s hard to believe that summer is halfway over, and Labor Day is going to be here before you know it. While the office is a little quieter due to heavier vacation schedules, this is a great time of year to tackle that handbook update project before things get busy again in the fall.
9 July 2019
25 June 2019
11 June 2019
In May 2019, JP Morgan Chase reached a tentative settlement of $5 million dollars to resolve a class action lawsuit alleging the bank’s parental leave policy was biased against dads. It is the largest recorded settlement in a U.S. parental leave discrimination complaint.
28 May 2019
14 May 2019
30 April 2019
16 April 2019
2 April 2019
When many HR Professionals think of social media tools and platforms that can be used for recruiting, the app Snapchat is probably one that doesn’t come to mind. For those that are not familiar with Snapchat, it is a mobile messaging application used to share photos, videos of up to 10 seconds, and drawings that are called “snaps”.
19 March 2019
5 March 2019
19 February 2019