EverythingPeople gives valuable insight into the developments both inside and outside the HR position.
4 March 2025
As the rapid growth of AI in the workplace continues, many employees and employers are utilizing AI notetaking tools and meeting recording and transcribing software. Although these are great tools, there are some legal concerns and steps employers should take to remain compliant with their state and federal recording laws.
19 November 2024
8 October 2024
Boomerang employees, also called rehires or alumni hires, are employees that leave their employer and then come back. It could be months or even years later, and it doesn’t have to necessarily be in the same position.
27 August 2024
16 July 2024
recently put out a statement that they will be removing the “E” in DEI. Saying they are moving to just I&D, focusing on the importance of inclusion and then diversity more than equity. They are removing equity to focus on inclusion and diversity as a way to address the current shortcomings of DEI programs that they believe have received societal backlash and have caused increasing polarization.
11 June 2024
USERRA is the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. It is a federal law that establishes rights and responsibilities for members of the National Guard and Reserve and their civilian employers. The Department of Labor (DOL) is in charge of investigating USERRA violations, and it covers all public and private employers, regardless of size. It can also cover multiple employers for one service member.
7 May 2024
2 April 2024
Are you sick of your calendar being full of meetings and never having time to get anything done? Well, you are not alone. Employees now attend an average of 8-17 meetings a week which is three times the number of average meetings than before the pandemic; studies show a 252% increase since February 2020.
5 March 2024
We all have intuition. It is abundant, strong, and trustworthy for everyone. But how many of us are actually, consciously, tapping into this human ability? Our bodies are gaining new intuitive information all the time; however, our subconscious filters out most of this as it can be too much for our conscious brains to process at one time.
30 January 2024
HR Managers face a wide range of complicated compliance and legal processes. Form I-9 and verifying an employee’s right to work as well as keeping all of this on file is among them. It is hard to know how to prevent an I-9 violation and what to expect if you are audited. Below is an outline of the audit process followed by some best practices for conducting an internal audit that you may find helpful.