EverythingPeople gives valuable insight into the developments both inside and outside the HR position.
12 September 2023
As I sit in a hotel room in Texas the day before the start of the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA) annual conference, it made me pause to consider how much better this is than going virtual during the pandemic. Don’t get me wrong, there are benefits to learning virtually, and I can learn from both virtual and in-person classes, but there is something different about an in-person conference.
5 June 2018
Did you know that except for December, the summer months are more dangerous than winter months for driving? Many organizations have employees that drive as part of their job, so it’s important to keep them educated and safe on the road.
28 June 2016
30 March 2016
As everyone knows who has been following the issue, new federal regulations will be coming out soon that will redefine “exempt” employment. These new rules are expected to result in many heretofore exempt positions being redefined as non-exempt and therefore eligible for overtime pay. So the time is right to review some of the more complex applications of the overtime rules.
23 March 2016
Non-exempt employees traveling for business purposes must be compensated for certain aspects of traveling. Let’s consider Joe, a hypothetical non-exempt employee, not qualified to be exempt from the FLSA’s wage and overtime rules. Joe is a technician whose normal work hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
22 October 2014
23 October 2013
17 July 2013
18 January 2012