Going PRO Talent Fund Opens Its Next Application Cycle - American Society of Employers - Heather Nezich

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Going PRO Talent Fund Opens Its Next Application Cycle

The Michigan Going PRO Talent Fund offers more than $55 million to employers for training that will lead to a worker credential for skills that are transferable and recognized by industry. Though focused on hard skill training, Going PRO grants can be used to develop supervisor skills in the employer’s workforce. 

The Going PRO Talent Fund provides grant funds for training, developing, and retaining current and recently hired employees. It must be short-term training and fill a talent need experienced by the employer.

Grant reimbursement for training can be up to $2,000 per person for classroom or customized training, on-the job training for new employees, and up to $3,500 per person for U.S. Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeships.

Cycle 2 applications are open from April 22, 2024, through May 10, 2024, and award announcements are anticipated in June with the training period to run July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025If an employer received Cycle 1 training funds, they are not eligible to apply for Cycle 2 grant funds.

To apply for a Going PRO grant employers must go through their Michigan Works! Network. The staff at the local Michigan Works! office where the local employer can apply will work with the employer to assess their talent and skill gaps, identify what suitable resources there are to provide the training, and can be used as well as any availability for federal funding. The Michigan Works! Business Services staff will assist the employer with the state’s online Going PRO application system called WBLOMS.

Additional Resources:

Upcoming Oakland County Michigan Works Information Webinars

Find Your Local Michigan Works Office

Michigan Going PRO Talent Fund

ASE Connect

Going PRO grant funds can be used for leadership and management training as long as the training program meets the grant’s criteria. ASE’s Principles and Practices of Supervision courses provide training that meets Going PRO specifications for management skills. ASE can work with you to include these classes on your Cycle 2 Going PRO application. Please visit ASE’s website to find more valuable information about Going PRO Talent Fund and how to apply for it before the application period closes. 



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