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More than two-thirds of employees said that health care benefits are second only to salary when considering a job offer, and 78% said they would find a new job if their benefits package was inadequate, according to recent research from Intuit QuickBooks and Allstate Health Solutions. The 2024 Intuit QuickBooks Allstate Health Solutions Benefit Survey noted that the survey results emphasize the important role health care benefits play when it comes to an employer’s ability to retain and hire employees.
With macroeconomic challenges such as rising interest rates and inflation, employees face more challenges when it comes to managing their health benefits costs. The survey found that 23% of employees surveyed across small and large companies said they struggle to afford their employer-provided benefits, and most workers (62% at smaller and 66% at larger companies) think their monthly contributions are too high. Pair that with high deductibles and these plans are not affordable for the average employee.
The survey also found the following:
SOURCE: https://digitalasset.intuit.com/render/content/dam/intuit/sbseg/en_us/Blog/product-qbo/IntuitQB-2024AllstateHealthSolutionsBenefitsSurvey-FINAL.pdf; CCH AnswersNow