April 20, 2016 - ASE expands training curriculum with new course aimed at bridging the generational divide at work. - American Society of Employers - ASE Staff

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April 20, 2016 - ASE expands training curriculum with new course aimed at bridging the generational divide at work.

Media Contacts: Barbara Fornasiero, EAFocus Communications, 248.260.8466, barbara@eafocus.com;
Wendy LoCicero, ASE, 248.223.8006, wlocicero@aseonline.org

Livonia, Mich. ---April 20, 2016 --- The  American Society of Employers (ASE), one of the nation’s oldest and largest employer associations, announces a new course in its training curriculum: Generations at Work: Bridging the Generation Gap.

Generations at Work: Bridging the Generation Gap, a full-day course scheduled for May 4th, is geared towards helping bridge the generational divide by creating a better understanding of generational differences and teaching strategies for building on the strengths of each generational cohort to optimize organizational effectiveness and productivity.  This course counts for 6.5 HRCI and SHRM-CP credits towards HR professional certification as well as .70 CEUs.


ASE CEO Mary E. Corrado says the new course reflects the growing list of workplace issues that fall under the umbrella of Human Resources Management.


“As the generation gap widens in the workplace, with Millennials now making up the largest demographic in our workforce and Baby Boomers waiting longer to retire, we need to bridge the divide,” Corrado said.  “Employers and employees alike only benefit when there is better communication and understanding in the workplace.”


ASE currently offers more than 65 courses in its curriculum catalog. Classes are open to ASE members and non-members. To register for this or other courses offered by ASE, please visit the ASE website.


About the American Society of Employers (ASE) – a Centennial Organization

The American Society of Employers (ASE) is a not-for-profit trade association providing people-management information and services to Michigan employers. Since 1902, member organizations have relied on ASE to be their single, cost-effective source for information and support, helping to grow their bottom line by enhancing the effectiveness of their people. Learn more about ASE at www.aseonline.org.



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