Course Information and Policies
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Course Information and Policies

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Course Information and Policies

ASE urges participants to register early due to limited class size. Confirmation letters, along with a map/directions link, will be sent to registrants prior to the course date. There are no entrance requirements or additional costs to the participant beyond the tuition to attend an ASE course. There are several options available to register for a course: Payment
Payment is accepted any time before the scheduled day of the course. ASE accepts check, cash, or credit card (Visa/ MasterCard/American Express).

Affordable Pricing
ASE offers a 10% discount for:
  • Prepaying the registration of five or more participants
  • in the same class
  • Prepaying the cost of a certification curriculum
Refund Policy
All tuition and fees paid by the participant shall be refunded if the participant is rejected by the school before enrollment. The school may retain an application fee of not more than $25 if the application is denied. All tuition and fees paid by the participant shall be refunded if a written request is received within three business days after signing a contract with the school. All refunds shall be returned within 30 days. Once three business days have passed the following cancellation policy will apply:

Cancellation Policy
A full refund is available for written cancellations received by noon, seven days prior to the start of the program. No refunds are available for cancellations received less than seven days before the program. Participants with confirmed registrations who fail to attend are billed for the entire cost of the program. However, a substitute participant in place of the original registrant will be accepted without any additional cost. (Example: cancellations will be accepted on Thursday, July 13 for classes scheduled on Thursday, July 20 at no charge – ASE will charge the full class fee for cancellations between July 14 and July 20.)

Lunch for Full-Day Courses
Lunch will not be provided.  However, for full-day coures, participants will be provided time to enjoy lunch on their own or at one of the numerous restaurants nearby.  Depending on the location of the event, a refrigerator and microwave are available for use if participants would like to bring their lunch or snacks to enjoy.

ASE Course Modifications and Cancellations
ASE reserves the right to cancel any class for which there is insufficient registration, inclement weather, an emergency condition, or an instructor illness or injury. Instructor substitutions are made only when necessary. Should weather conditions cause traffic problems, the normal starting time of a program may be delayed up to 30 minutes. 

If a class must be cancelled due to inclement weather, a power outage, or another unforeseen occurrence, an email notification will be sent to each class attendee to the email address on file (if any). If a phone number is on file, ASE will also attempt to notify participants via phone. In addition, the cancellation will be communicated via the ASE website and a recorded message will be available on the phone line 248.223.8041. Should a program be cancelled, it will be rescheduled or individuals will receive a full refund.

Participant Accommodation
The American Society of Employers is committed to providing accessible training to all individuals attending one of our programs. With this commitment in mind, we urge you to communicate to us any special needs you may have to participate in our program. If your employees have special needs, please call ASE’s Talent Development Department at 248.223.8041.

Retention/Releasing of Training Program Participants’ CEU Records
ASE maintains confidential files of CEUs earned by class participants. ASE allows only the actual class participant or the primary contact of member organizations to access information regarding CEUs and/or request a release of CEU records. This request can be initiated by telephone, letter, or other communication method as defined by the member organization. ASE reserves the right to request additional confirming information prior to transcript release.

The ASE offices will be closed on the following holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day.

Intellectual Property Rights
ASE recognizes that all program materials are the property of each consultant or ASE. ASE maintains a file of “program masters,” retained solely for duplication purposes. These program masters are used to produce participant workbook manuals for training sessions conducted on behalf of ASE. ASE does not, under any circumstances, allow the reproduction of any program materials. Use of any device to make an audio, video or photographic record of any person or portion of the class is prohibited.

Instructor’s Proprietary Interest
The American Society of Employers strictly forbids any instructor to sell his or her product or service within the parameters of conducting a program on behalf of the American Society of Employers, whether the program is conducted at an ASE site or at the client site.

ASE Professional Conduct and Complaint Policy
ASE expects that all participants attending an ASE program behave in an appropriate manner. Attendees may be dismissed if they do not comply with proper business etiquette. 

Attendance in class is critical to student academic success. To receive a certificate of completion for a course, participants must attend the training for the entire scheduled amount of time, i.e., neither late for class (tardy) nor leaving before the end of class (leave early), and adhere to lunch and break times.

ASE’s goal is to offer programs that are of value to all participants, and we greatly appreciate all feedback so we can continue to meet needs and exceed expectations. ASE encourages participants to discuss any suggestions or concerns they have with the appropriate instructor or ASE staff. Suggestions or concerns should be directed to the appropriate individual as soon as possible to allow for early resolution.

If a concern has not been resolved satisfactorily after an informal discussion, participants should document complaints in writing and submit to ASE within five (5) business days. ASE shall further investigate the matter(s) and reply in writing within ten (10) business days.

If the participant is unable to resolve the complaint through ASE, the individual can file a complaint with the State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau (CSCL). Complaint forms can be accessed online at The CSCL complaint form can be located after clicking on the Post-Secondary Student Complaints link that is under the Consumer Information Section towards the bottom of the webpage. The Schools and Licensing Division phone number is 517-241-9221 and the fax number is 517-373-2162. Email can also be received by the division at: Click here to download a copy of the ASE Professional Conduct and Complaint Policy. 

For further questions, please contact ASE at or call 248.223.8041.

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